Tuesday, 28 September 2010

day 15- boom, boom, pow!

Well, another day at work, PAT testing is well on it's way ow, 2 days gone, one more to do, you would be surprised how long it takes to test everything that plugs into a socket in a theatre!  a few fails but on the whole, were pretty much set up for the new season, starting with full force next week.  It has given me chance to practice my plug rewiring/ attaching skills which I am getting quicker at finally, It's oddly therapeutic.  Other then that its allot of organising, cleaning, tidying, fixing and general maintenance.  In other news, galaxy cookie crumble is amazing!

Also, having somehow lost my book on bedlam in the theatre (history geek!), I managed to find Dawn of the Dumb by Charlie Brooker in the props storage weirdly, so reading that at work and Boy in the striped pyjamas. :)
Then home, I made chicken noodle soup and currently have my hair in curlers, just for the hell of it!  I'm off to Sheffield on Saturday as It's a friends birthday and it's the industrial night at corporation, which also co-insides with the Faderhead release party, so it should all be good :D  Also I get to see the boy, which is always the best!

Here's a lil game :)
Type these words into your music library and see what comes up

Happy: Happy Holidays You Bastard by Blink 182
Sad: Sad But True by Metallica 
Love: Crazy in Love by Eminem 
Hate:  All These Things I Hate Revolve Around You by Bullet For My Valentine
Light: Lights out by Mindless Self Indulgence
Dark: Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga
Good: No Good (start the dance) by The Prodidgy

Now I'm off to watch This is England 86 :D


Here's a picture of me next to the giant Xbox we set up at work, jealous?

Quote of the Day: " You can all come to London, to be in my vagina"- Elle MacPherson (well...sort of...)

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